libsdr  0.1.0
A simple SDR library
Filter and signal processing nodes.

This group collects all filter and signal processing nodes provided by libsdr. More...


class  sdr::IQBaseBand< Scalar >
 This class performs several operations on the complex (integral) input stream, it first filters out some part of the input stream using a FIR band pass (band pass is centerred around Ff with width width) then shifts the center frequency Fc to 0 and finally sub-samples the resulting stream. More...
class  sdr::BaseBand< Scalar >
 This class performs several operations on the real input stream, It first filters out some part of the input stream using a FIR band pass filter then shifts the center frequency to 0 and finally sub-samples the resulting stream such that the selected base-band is well represented. More...
class  sdr::FMDeemph< Scalar >
 A tiny node to de-emphasize the higher frequencies of a FM transmitted audio signal. More...
class  sdr::FilterNode< Scalar >
 A FFT filter bank node wich consists of several filters. More...
class  sdr::FIRFilter< Scalar, FilterCoeffs >
 Generic FIR filter class. More...
class  sdr::FIRLowPass< Scalar >
 Low-pass FIR filter specialization. More...
class  sdr::FIRHighPass< Scalar >
 High-pass FIR filter specialization. More...
class  sdr::FIRBandPass< Scalar >
 Band-pass FIR filter specialization. More...
class  sdr::FIRBandStop< Scalar >
 Band-stop FIR filter specialization. More...
class  sdr::FreqShiftBase< Scalar >
 A performant implementation of a frequency-shift operation on integer signals. More...
class  sdr::Proxy
 A NOP node. More...
class  sdr::SubSample< Scalar >
 Simple averaging sub-sampler. More...
class  sdr::InpolSubSampler< iScalar, oScalar >
 An interpolating sub-sampler. More...
class  sdr::IQBalance< Scalar >
 A simple node, that allows to balance an IQ signal. More...
class  sdr::FreqShift< Scalar >
 Performs a frequency shift on a complex input signal, by multiplying it with $e^{i\omega t}$. More...
class  sdr::Scale< Scalar >
 Simple scaling node. More...
class  sdr::AGC< Scalar >
 An automatic gain control node. More...

Detailed Description

This group collects all filter and signal processing nodes provided by libsdr.