libsdr  0.1.0
A simple SDR library
sdr::Traits< Scalar > Class Template Reference

Forward declaration of type tratis template. More...

#include <traits.hh>

Detailed Description

template<class Scalar>
class sdr::Traits< Scalar >

Forward declaration of type tratis template.

For each supported type, uint8_t, std::comple<uint8_t>, int8_t, std::complex<uint8_t>, uint16_t, std::complex<uint16_t>, int16_t, std::complex<int16_t>, float, std::complex<float>, double and std::complex<double>, the Traits template povides the Scalar type (the template argument type), its real type (i.e. for the type std::complex<int16_t> it would be int16_t), its super scalar (i.e. for the int16_t, it would be int32_t but for float it is flaot again) which allows for safe multiplications of these values, the scale mapping the interval [-1,1] to the values of the scalar type, the bit shift from the scalar type to the super scalar type and the type id for the scalar.

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