libsdr  0.1.0
A simple SDR library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Csdr::BufferOwnerAbstract class (interface) of a buffer owner
 Csdr::Combine< Scalar >A combine node
 Csdr::ConfigA collection of configuration information that is send by a source to all connected sinks to propergate and check the configuration of the processing network
 Csdr::Options::DefinitionArgument definition
 Csdr::DelegateInterfaceInterface of a delegate
 Csdr::FFTFFT module class, provides static methods to perfrom a FFT directly
 Csdr::FFTPlan< Scalar >Trivial FFT implementation for buffer sizes of N=2**K
 Csdr::FFTPlan< double >Template specialization for a FFT transform on std::complex<double> values
 Csdr::FFTPlan< float >Template specialization for a FFT transform on std::complex<float> values
 Csdr::FilterNode< Scalar >A FFT filter bank node wich consists of several filters
 Csdr::FIRBandPassCoeffsImplements the calculation of the filter coefficients for the use in the FIRFilter template class
 Csdr::FIRBandStopCoeffsImplements the calculation of the filter coefficients for the use in the FIRFilter template class
 Csdr::FIRHighPassCoeffsImplements the calculation of the filter coefficients for the use in the FIRFilter template class
 Csdr::FIRLowPassCoeffsImplements the calculation of the filter coefficients for the use in the FIRFilter template class
 Csdr::FracSubSampleBase< Scalar >Implements a fractional sub-sampler
 Csdr::FreqShiftBase< Scalar >A performant implementation of a frequency-shift operation on integer signals
 Csdr::LoggerThe logger class (singleton)
 Csdr::LogHandlerBase class of all log-message handlers
 Csdr::Queue::MessageThe internal used message type
 Csdr::POCSAG::MessageA pocsag message
 Csdr::OptionsConvenience functions for command line arguments
 Csdr::PortAudio"Namespace" to collect all static, PortAudio related functions
 Csdr::QueueCentral message queue (singleton)
 Csdr::RawBufferBase class of all buffers, represents an untyped array of bytes
 Csdr::SinkBaseBasic interface of all Sinks
 Csdr::SourceGeneric source class
 Csdr::Traits< Scalar >Forward declaration of type tratis template
 Csdr::Traits< double >Template specialization of type traits for float scalar
 Csdr::Traits< float >Template specialization of type traits for float scalar
 Csdr::Traits< int16_t >Template specialization of type traits for int16_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< int8_t >Template specialization of type tratis for int8_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< std::complex< double > >Template specialization of type traits for complex float scalar
 Csdr::Traits< std::complex< float > >Template specialization of type traits for complex float scalar
 Csdr::Traits< std::complex< int16_t > >Template specialization of type traits for complex int16_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< std::complex< int8_t > >Template specialization of type tratis for complex int8_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< std::complex< uint16_t > >Template specialization of type traits for complex uint16_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< std::complex< uint8_t > >Template specialization of type tratis for complex uint8_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< uint16_t >Template specialization of type traits for uint16_t scalar
 Csdr::Traits< uint8_t >Template specialization of type tratis for uint8_t scalar
 Csdr::Options::ValueThe argument value