libwt  1.0.0
A C++ library for the continous wavelet transform.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCauchyThe Cauchy or Paul wavelet
 CCauchyObjImplementation of the Cauchy wavelet
 CContainerBase class of all container classes holding a managed reference to some Object
 CConvolutionImplements the overlap-add covolution[3] of a signal with several filter kernels of the same size, each being shorter that the signal
 CFFTImplements the generic FFT-plan interface for the FFTW3 library
 CMorletThe Morlet wavelet
 CMorletObjImplements the Morlet wavelet
 CMovingSumA simple vector-valued moving sum
 CObjectBase class of all managed objects
 CWaveletBase class of all wavelet object containers
 CWaveletAnalysisAbstract base class of all wavelet analyses (transform and synthesis)
 CWaveletObjBase class of all wavelet (-pair) objects
 CWaveletSynthesisImplements the wavelet synthesis, means the reconstruction of the signal from a wavelet transformed
 CWaveletTransformImplements a complex, continious wavelet transform (i.e