libwt  1.0.0
A C++ library for the continous wavelet transform.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cwt::ContainerBase class of all container classes holding a managed reference to some Object
 Cwt::WaveletBase class of all wavelet object containers
 Cwt::CauchyThe Cauchy or Paul wavelet
 Cwt::MorletThe Morlet wavelet
 Cwt::ConvolutionImplements the overlap-add covolution[3] of a signal with several filter kernels of the same size, each being shorter that the signal
 Cwt::FFTImplements the generic FFT-plan interface for the FFTW3 library
 Cwt::MovingSum< Scalar >A simple vector-valued moving sum
 Cwt::ObjectBase class of all managed objects
 Cwt::WaveletObjBase class of all wavelet (-pair) objects
 Cwt::CauchyObjImplementation of the Cauchy wavelet
 Cwt::MorletObjImplements the Morlet wavelet
 Cwt::WaveletAnalysisAbstract base class of all wavelet analyses (transform and synthesis)
 Cwt::WaveletSynthesisImplements the wavelet synthesis, means the reconstruction of the signal from a wavelet transformed
 Cwt::WaveletTransformImplements a complex, continious wavelet transform (i.e